I love what I do. This particular thought occurred to me while in session recently. My subject was mummified, wrapped securely in saran wrap and duct tape from neck to ankles. I had performed CBT and NT, the aftermath of which were clover clamps weighted by 4g fishing weights attached to my subject’s nipples and a forest of clothespins emerging from just below his waist through an opening I had specially cut and prepared for this purpose. Ball gag forcing open his mouth, spandex hood erasing his features, I took pleasure in beating rhythms on his unprotected soles with the short cane used just for this purpose.
As I unfurled my favorite 3′ single tail, all the better to indulge my wish for giving this pain sissy a taste of my whip without actually causing any real damage, a laugh escaped from the smile already decorating my lips. This is my life. I have chosen to immerse myself in the art of BDSM and am fortunate that play partners of all stripes from all around the world have trusted me with their bodies, souls, secrets and consider me a safe space to pursue fantasies and examine real life. There most certainly are difficulties when one steps outside the accepted boundaries of society; this is not the place I wish to recount them nor the time. All I know is, I’m feeling a happy curiosity about what comes next on this fascinating journey.