Session policies and availability: week of February 3rd

Friday is here and I am still on the road. I know my loyal band of subs, gurls and painsluts are eager to come kneel before me when I get back to NYC so, here’s a little reminder about my session availability for the upcoming week:

24 hour notification before any session; 50% deposit required. You can read about my interests here. I look forward to seeing you upon my return.

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Ideal service, 24/7.

You know how important service is to me and you want to be my slave. That’s not a position I take lightly. You will be expected to be impeccable in everything you do and, of course, there is a routine I’ll expect you to follow. Listen closely and pay attention.

Are you prepared to sleep on my floor, chained to the foot of my bed? After I unchain you, position yourself at my feet and worship them thoroughly while I lounge, planning my day. Breakfast is always your concern; acquaint yourself with the foods I like best and make sure they are constantly cooked to perfection. Once the kitchen is cleaned, everything put away in its proper place, you will be properly hydrated with a heavy stream of my golden piss. You’ll make sure to swallow every drop.

Is it necessary to emphasize that your service will involve being firmly in chastity? I didn’t think so. Any slave/pet/toy of mine would never be allowed to have control over such delicate body parts. You would be firmly locked away at my whim and pleasure. Doesn’t that make drawing my bath and viewing my exquisite body while I soap lather soak rinse moisturize all the more agonizing? Knowing you could only look (again at my whim) and never ever touch? Maybe hooding you would be a mercy.

If I have no activities requiring your services as a chauffeur, you will be fitted with a butt plug and set to cleaning my home from top to bottom while I conduct whatever business I deem necessary. On occasion, I will use you for target practice and keeping sharp with my favorite implement of the day. You always sport some physical mark emphasizing my control. Stripes from my cane, streaked kisses courtesy of my single tail. Even without the collar around your neck, your skin will burn with the evidence of my desires.

My dinner will be cooked and served exquisitely by you with every attention to detail. While I enjoy the fruits of your labors seated at my table, you will partake of scraps served to you out of a dog bowl, kneeling at my feet. The end of the evening will see you secured once again to the foot of my bed, in preparation of the rigors and pleasures of the next day.

Is all of that clear? I require service of an excellent caliber, from one whose mind is completely devoted to the task. Many fantasize about such a position, but few, very few, are suited to executing it to my standards. Let me know when you are ready.

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Lately, beatings occupy my mind. The consensual/non-consensual kind. From the moment I first picked up a flogger, pain toys and their usage have been a true fascination that never grows old. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who comes to see me enjoys receiving pain; actually, most are rather scared of it. My favorites are those that ask specifically for what I have come to think of as a “fine beating”.

Taking time to secure you with ropes, cuffs, chains and the like is sometimes a necessary beginning. At others, I cherish the opportunity to simply order my subject of the moment to hold position over a spanking horse, onto the overhead chains or pressed up against an available wall. Previously making you choose from my arsenal of paddles, crops, canes, floggers and whips 3 items you most would like to feel me use on your skin. Of course, no part of the body (within reason) is off limits. Back, chest, inner thigh, palms, genitals, foot bottoms. A careful warmup with whatever draws my eye first.

Memorable beatings usually include my singletail, a treasured possession. Few are able to stay the distance with that implement and my arm which at times feels unstoppable. I leave horizontal marks ladders on one side of the back, verticals neatly arrayed along the other, just for giggles. Once warmup for me and my subject has ended, I work from top to bottom, neck to bottom of thigh mirroring those movements on the front. Constant check in to see the condition of my canvas while I slowly paint delicate red streaks from 3-4 feet away.

What’s this all about? I happily identify as a sadist, deriving pleasure from the administration of pain to others. Pain is my gift, a pure expression of my desire towards the one serving me whether that service lasts for the hour or a lifetime. It is the quickest method available to take you away from your ego, whatever keeps you from being your most elemental, submissive self. It is your willingness to submit to my desires and take that journey which completes the circuit.

All courtesy of the mutual gift of a beating.

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Tangled in rope



I love rope. This has been the case almost from the beginning of my entry into the wonderful world of BDSM. I’ve attended many rope dojos, debated over the merits of hemp vs nylon vs silk with many a practitioner, strung up willing bodies more times than I can count and have offered myself up as well. All this in the pursuit of getting to know my chosen medium as well as I can. However, as with any practice, there is always more to learn.

Bondage has been coming up in my thoughts a great deal lately. Time allowing, here are rope shares and tying intensives I’d like to attend, experiments in hemp treatment and conditioning I’m preparing to embark on, bodies I imagine in the rope hanging suspended. However, the question keeps arising, why do I tie? What is it that I am trying to achieve when I have a pile of rope and a pliant body? Is it bondage purely for the sake of ornamentation? The pleasure I take in restricting another’s movement, controlling their position?

There is always some kind of immobilization I require of my submissives and play partners. It could be mental or physical or both. On occasion, I will feel amusement simply ordering my bottom to hold a given position while I test their determination to follow instruction. However, it is more satisfying for me to KNOW that they cannot move. Rope layered on rope layered on skin, holding them quite literally in thrall to my whim.

As a present to me, my pet has become quite adept at preparing hemp rope. Just running the newly treated lengths through my fingers, feeling the soft heavy slightly oily texture coil and uncoil around my fingers, imagination starts to run. I see myself standing in , my favorite room at Parthenon, subject at my feet…

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Road Trip! Philly, D.C. and Baltimore


Like Willie Nelson sings in his famous song, “I just can’t wait to get on the road again”.

I adore road trips. Not too much beats sleeping/playing/generally being bad in hotel rooms, starting out driving at the crack of dawn to beat traffic, eating in roadside diners and checking out the art and the local color where ever I end up. I’ve spent lots of time traveling throughout Ontario, Canada over the past 3 years and while I love the Great White North and feel very excited about my next visit, it is time for me to pay some much needed attention to points south, specifically Philadelphia, PA, Washington, D.C and Baltimore, MD from January 27 to February 2, 2014.

Advance appointments and deposits are definitely required and the interest I receive from subs/slaves/fetishists/masochists in these 3 locations will determine the length of my stay in each city. I feel excited to bring rope, TENS unit, CBT/NT toys and various whips canes and crops as the contents of my toybag. Tall heels, leather, latex, lingerie and stockings are part of my wardrobe.

I am also looking for video slaves for clip filming purposes. To make inquiries, contact me at

See you on the road!

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See Mistress Cook!


As a Mistress, I feel it is important to have a healthy body, something for others to aspire. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I enjoy food and fine dining. They also know how important I feel it is to eat organically with limited exposure to conventional, pesticide laden, GMO free “choices”. It feels so unfortunate that eating well has become an out of reach goal for such a hugh segment of the population.

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with my dear friend, Mistress Blunt, catching up, shooting wonderful pictures, and, best of all, testing out her recipes. It is pleasing to note that Blunt is very much an advocate for healthy eating, which definitely makes me a willing guinea pig whenever she wishes me to be one. That particular afternoon’s offering was a lovely spicy shredded salad with edible flowers. The end result was almost too lovely to eat, however, once I got started there was no stopping! Check out her post with pictures of yours truly along with the easily recreated recipe here.

Keeping my sexy figure slim and trim is of paramount importance. Thank you, Mistress Blunt, for gifting me with a tasty way of keeping it nourished!

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Hello, Toronto! I’m Visiting August 28-30th

Rummaging around in the dusty recess of my draft files, I was pleased to locate the following long-lost snippet. Written a bit over 1 year ago, just after my arrival back in NYC from a long sojourn in Toronto, Ontario. It’s kind of serendipitious finding this writing, since I have begun my initial arrangements to head back to my favorite Canadian city in a few short weeks…

I’ve very recently returned from 7 weeks (52 days!) carousing in my adopted city of Toronto and secluded at a cottage somewhere in Wellington County, Ontario. 7 weeks mostly without internet access, barely any connection to New York and the outside world, for that matter. It was easy to become immersed in the world I gradually created: sessions in beautifully appointed hotel rooms throughout the city, late nights watching the moon rise over Toronto Harbor, visits to museums and Queen Street’s art galleries, sailing on Lake Ontario, wonderful meals and excellent company, and slaves traveling to my somewhat isolated country environs with gifts of orchids and stout for introductions and eventual service and correction. Since arriving in midtown on Friday, it’s been rather surreal readjusting to the tempos of my hometown…

I feel so very excited to get back and lay eyes on the CN Tower and my other favorite haunts at the end of August! There are quite a few fetish parties I’m planning on attending, as well as just enjoying the amazing food found throughout the City (Chinatown here I come!). Upon my arrival, I will be staying in a lovely suite in the heart of Toronto, near all major TTC lines. Session requests getting a gold star and causing me to skip with delight include:

* genitorture
* bondage/mummification
* objectification
* slave/slut/pet training
* corporal punishment
* verbal/physical humiliation
* manhandling, beatdowns, light wrestling
* smothering, trampling, ballbusting
* discreet public outings

Of course, deposits are necessary to reserve time on this trip. To begin the application process, access my contact form and fill it out in its entirety. I love the play partners I’ve come to know and enjoy in this lovely city and look forward to meeting more. Make sure to book; my time is limited!

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Kink and Tennis: a fortnight of Wimbledon fantasies

I usually have kink running in my head. As would be expected from someone who traffics in sexuality and deviance, there is some type of twist involved in my everyday thoughts, which makes for interesting viewing of vanilla events. My love of tennis is no exception.

For years, I’ve kept up with tennis through watching the Grand Slam tournaments, my favorite of which is Wimbledon. This is an event rife with strict adherence to etiquette, which governs every aspect. There’s something about the tradition of this very special championship which has always appealed to me, a former Anglophile and royal watcher. I thoroughly enjoy this athletic event which seems to be one of the last not to be overwhelmed with advertiser come-ons emblazoned on the playing field, where civility and gentility take precedence over the rough boorishness which characterizes sports in 2013 and even players’ outfits call to mind another time, another world.

The fantasy I enjoyed for the fortnight of the most recent tournament centers around punishing the loser of that day’s marquee match right on the emerald green of the lawn playing courts. This Domina with a long-time interest in Britain’s class structure, eccentricity and kinkiness would enjoy the comfort of the Royal Box, dressed cool and comfortably in white dress and heels, rattan cane leaning against my chair. While I indulged in strawberries and cream, sipping from a crystal flute of champagne, the players would push themselves even harder to win, knowing that the loser would be subject to 2 of my best sets of six. These thoughts have certainly made for interesting viewing, taking into account the big name players that have been losing left and right. Imagine, Roger Federer wearing stripes from my cane!


IMG_2787 - Version 2
My tennis whites!

Of course, the more I think about it, my kink-laden approach to tennis has more in common with games at the Roman Colisseum rather than the tournament at the All England Lawn Tennis Club. However, keeping in mind certain British predilections for punishment, my fantasy may not be too off the mark.

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Thrice Screwed Cock Ring by Sex and Metal: a review

I love CBT. My pleasure in taking control of my male subjects in such a direct and efficient manner is no secret. Although fingers, feet and teeth are always wonderful methods of torture for that particularly sensitive area, I am always looking for toys and devices to augment my imagination and expand possibilities. So, imagine my glee when I stumbled upon Sex and Metal’s website and their selection of cock rings.

As indicated by the company’s name, metal is a primary material for their devices. I just had to try out one of their lovely pieces for myself and requested “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring”:


My new favorite torture device

My previous experience with cock rings was either a single piece of metal of varying width which was worn around the base of the genitals, encircling cock and balls or many slim metal rings attached on a leather thong used to trap the penis (i.e., 9 Gates of Hell). As much as I love the idea of those, reality was always very disappointing. After the initial difficulty of getting my subject into the device, which, on occasion was a torture session in and of itself,  they always seemed to be nothing more than decoration (this is, of course, from my perspective. I’m sure a bottom wearing the items in question would have a very different idea of heavy pieces of metal hanging from their genitals than “just decoration”.) Not so with this one!

I couldn’t stop caressing the cock ring when it arrived in the mail 2 short days after I made my request. My imagination totally kicked into overdrive the moment I opened the shipping box. Its metal is smooth, no rough edges any where, beautifully joined and pleasingly heavy. As clearly shown in the picture above, in addition to the expected rings to be placed on your willing victim, my eyes especially lit up at the 3 screws strategically placed just where the penis’s corona would end up. Playtime couldn’t come soon enough!

As I found over the course of my experimentation was how easily it slipped on, a far cry from my and my sub’s usual struggles to fit an erect penis into a series of unforgiving metal rings. I was able to secure it further to the body with the use of hemp ropes, making sure shrinkage/slippage didn’t interfere with my plans, integrating it easily into my bondage. I especially loved how easily the screws held my area of interest in place. Smooth threads made for easier pressure application at very specific points; fun to manipulate.

The best part, though? Easy conductibility of electricity. Not having a violet wand at my immediate disposal, my TENS unit served a purpose. Who would have thought that conductor pads wrapped in strategic places could have such a huge effect? I look forward to more experimentation in this area.

In all, I recommend “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring” to anyone that enjoys quality craftsmanship, versatile design and a wicked new twist on the old. It feels easy to anticipate that this CBT device and newest addition to my toybag will be getting lots of use in the near future.

Many thanks to Jolyon at Sex and Metal for letting me try this out!

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Fiction: a slut for Phoenix

You, the Goddess of my dreams, who is, in fact, the Goddess of my reality, instruct me to be at a certain address at a certain time. i do so because i am a slut and i belong to Goddess Phoenix.
Once i am escorted into the dark room where i am told You are waiting for me, i immediately disrobe and assume the kow-tow, in a show of respect and total subjugation to You. The flesh of my body that belongs to You trembles down to the core of my being as i await the deep, burnt honey tone that is Your voice, and Your first words. You let the tension build to the point where i wonder if You are even in the room and then You speak.
“We are going to hit the road today, pet. We are getting on that highway heading north to visit some friends of mine. I am feeling especially deviant today; here is my plan.”
You stop, apparently distracted for a moment, i can’t tell as i am still with forehead to floor, and then You resume speaking…
“Oh my! Look at that. I appear to have formed a wet spot on my black silk panties, just thinking about what we are going to do today! Can you believe that, pet? Would you like to come over here and see, for yourself, hmmmm? No need to answer, I know what a greedy slut you are. Stay where you are. Let’s see how wet they get while I get you ready.”
(at the edge #1)
You tell me to put on my sluttiest black stockings, the fishnets with the seams. Remembering that one of them has a run, i tell You so and You laugh and say how appropriate that is because.
“i am a slut and i belong to Goddess Phoenix.” i reply
When i have finished putting on the stockings, You tell me to approach where You sit on Your throne. Kneeling at Your feet, presenting my nipples to You i bask in Your heat with the smell of leather from Your gloves, boots and corset mixed with Your most secret scent enveloping me, completely intoxicating.
You lean forward and take a a nipple in each hand and start to tease, pinch and torment them. You reach down with one hand and ping the tip of my prick with Your thumb and forefinger and my body shudders. You tell me that You are going to make me up just like Liza Minnelli in “Cabaret” with the cute little mole, when she most definitely was hot. Then i am going to put on the black dress You have picked out for me and the patent leather fuck me pumps. Finally, i will be plugged with a remote controlled vibrator and nipple clamps will be attached to my already screaming tits, beneath my black bra, and we are going  to drive up to Your friends with me continually bringing myself to the edge.
(at the edge #2)
Once i am prepared, You don Your finest jodhpurs, white linen blouse and black velvet riding jacket. Tall boots along with black leather riding gloves complete Your ensemble and we are off  for the the car. Approaching the passenger side door, i hold it open for You to get in. You laugh.
“How do you expect to keep yourself at the edge during this ride? Not while driving! certainly not while I am in the car! Get in. I will be driving this time.”
As we get onto the highway and i near the edge yet again, You start to explain…
“Have you ever ridden in an eighteen wheeler pet? You see those guys have a very interesting view from up there. When you ride in a car you really don’t think about it because, well you just don’t think what their perspective might be. But if you ride up there you discover something very interesting. As you pass a car and look down…the only thing you can see, because of the angle, is the lap of the person in the front seat. You can’t see their face, because it’s blocked by the roof, or even their chest really, because it’s usually blocked by the door frame, unless they have the seat way up front. It’s really quite amazing how all you see is the crotch, very clearly, unobstructed, but just the crotch. So. Pull the meat that is attached to you, but belongs to me, out of your slutty, pre-cum soaked panties and hike that dress up.”
Now, every time i pass a semi, you know what that trucker is going to see? He is going to see my slutty pet, jerking his cock to the edge.”
You smile broadly and laugh in delight as You start to pass the first Freightliner. Your cock is leaking and swollen as You pull alongside the huge machine and let the guy in the cab have a good look, and then You are past him. You set the car at cruise and tell me to light up some smoke for You. as You puff You explain that there are many, many truck stops and rest areas between here and our destination. You tell me that those truckers talk on their CB’s like old ladies, because there’s nothing else to do, and pretty soon, every rig on  this road is going to know  to look for this car, and maybe it would be very amusing to You, deviant Goddess that You are, to pull over at one of these rest areas and have me get out and go see if any of these truckers “need anything.”
My nipples ache, my butt filled and vibrating, my cock dripping and swollen, we start to overtake another semi as i find myself…
at the edge #3
After what seems like hours of driving, we arrive at an old stone house, deep in the woods somewhere upstate. You shut off the engine. The inside of the car smells like hot cunt and as i look down at my lap, i see that my panties and the tops of my stockings are stained with the pre cum that has been oozing from me for the whole ride. i have been to the edge so many time that i have lost count. i feel somewhat delirious.
You explain that we are going to enter the ‘Inn” and after brief greetings, if any, we are to proceed to Your room, where i will assume the position on the floor on my back. Once You have relieved yourself, we will then proceed to the greeting room to meet our Hostess. From the moment we enter the main house, i will be on my knees, following You, with my eyes trained on Your ass, and nowhere else, unless instructed to do so. As is expected, i will be the perfect slave, abiding Your every command, and doing all You demand of me, without hesitation or discussion. You conclude by telling me that my body will be used as You see fit, and my holes are Yours to fill with whatever You desire.
Thanking You for the privilege, i inform You that i am
at the edge #3
…and You laugh. “Good! Get out, open my door and get the luggage.”
As i do so two naked slaves. naked except for the leather collars around their necks and the metal cages around their straining dicks, come out to assist with our luggage. As they approach i see that they both have clamps attached to their nipples with weights swinging.
Once in the room, i am on the floor instantly. Immediately Your panties are off and You are stuffing them in my mouth. They are saturated with Your cunt juice, and i suck the sweetness down my throat. You squat and then sit Yourself onto my face and unleash a torrent of the hottest, tastiest juice into my mouth. Gulping madly to swallow every job, i inhale deeply through my nose, which is buried in Your ass hole.
At the edge again, i remove my hands from my cock and work my nipples as my body convulses with the stifled orgasm. Finishing, You tell me to clean up any errant liquid that may be on Your cunt lips. i do so gently kissing and licking Your soft sweet labia.
You rise and, telling me to keep Your panties in my mouth, You attach a leash to my collar and You lead me out to the party.

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