Thrice Screwed Cock Ring by Sex and Metal: a review

I love CBT. My pleasure in taking control of my male subjects in such a direct and efficient manner is no secret. Although fingers, feet and teeth are always wonderful methods of torture for that particularly sensitive area, I am always looking for toys and devices to augment my imagination and expand possibilities. So, imagine my glee when I stumbled upon Sex and Metal’s website and their selection of cock rings.

As indicated by the company’s name, metal is a primary material for their devices. I just had to try out one of their lovely pieces for myself and requested “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring”:


My new favorite torture device

My previous experience with cock rings was either a single piece of metal of varying width which was worn around the base of the genitals, encircling cock and balls or many slim metal rings attached on a leather thong used to trap the penis (i.e., 9 Gates of Hell). As much as I love the idea of those, reality was always very disappointing. After the initial difficulty of getting my subject into the device, which, on occasion was a torture session in and of itself,  they always seemed to be nothing more than decoration (this is, of course, from my perspective. I’m sure a bottom wearing the items in question would have a very different idea of heavy pieces of metal hanging from their genitals than “just decoration”.) Not so with this one!

I couldn’t stop caressing the cock ring when it arrived in the mail 2 short days after I made my request. My imagination totally kicked into overdrive the moment I opened the shipping box. Its metal is smooth, no rough edges any where, beautifully joined and pleasingly heavy. As clearly shown in the picture above, in addition to the expected rings to be placed on your willing victim, my eyes especially lit up at the 3 screws strategically placed just where the penis’s corona would end up. Playtime couldn’t come soon enough!

As I found over the course of my experimentation was how easily it slipped on, a far cry from my and my sub’s usual struggles to fit an erect penis into a series of unforgiving metal rings. I was able to secure it further to the body with the use of hemp ropes, making sure shrinkage/slippage didn’t interfere with my plans, integrating it easily into my bondage. I especially loved how easily the screws held my area of interest in place. Smooth threads made for easier pressure application at very specific points; fun to manipulate.

The best part, though? Easy conductibility of electricity. Not having a violet wand at my immediate disposal, my TENS unit served a purpose. Who would have thought that conductor pads wrapped in strategic places could have such a huge effect? I look forward to more experimentation in this area.

In all, I recommend “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring” to anyone that enjoys quality craftsmanship, versatile design and a wicked new twist on the old. It feels easy to anticipate that this CBT device and newest addition to my toybag will be getting lots of use in the near future.

Many thanks to Jolyon at Sex and Metal for letting me try this out!

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BDSM fiction – sissy’s First Visit (part 2)

Mistress returned with a basin of water, scissors, and a razor. “Babette, watch as I shave the last vestige of your manhood away from your clit! Don’t twitch now,” she laughed, “I would hate to have an accident.” Slowly, steadily, Mistress Phoenix exerted her ownership over me and the hair around my clit disappeared. Once I was hairless she unchained me and ordered me to my knees.

I thanked her profusely and she allowed me to worship her feet for several minutes. “That’s right, Babette, you sissy; worship my feet, lick all the dirt off of my heels, you dirty little whore. Why, Babette, are you a whore? Has your pussy ever been fucked? By a Mistress? By a man? With a tramp like you, it’s so hard to tell.”

“Please, Mistress; if it makes you happy, make me your whore. Take my virginity as a trophy!”

“Perhaps later, you little slut. Right now, I want to experiment on this new body I own. UP!”

Without thinking, I rose to my feet. Mistress Phoenix slapped me immediately. “Up! means on your knees, you dumb slut. You never stand in my presence unless I order you to. I have already told you what happens when you disobey my rules. Crawl to the horse and drape yourself over it.” Attaching cuffs to my wrists and ankles, Mistress Phoenix secured me to the spanking horse. “Now, in one hand I have a paddle. In the other I have your friend the cane. You determine the instrument that will bring you pain. Pick a hand.” My head was spinning from her mind game as she made me pick my own instrument of torture. I humbly begged for the left. It was the paddle!

“And, what did I say would happen if you were disobedient again, slut?”

“I would get two strokes instead of one, Mistress.”

“Correct. So, nine times nine makes eighteen.”

Mistress Phoenix laid into me. Eighteen strokes with her wooden paddle. After each stroke I had to scream, “I will obey Mistress Phoenix!” at the top of my lungs (I’m very sure there was plenty of laughter from whoever heard that!). When she was finished, Mistress Phoenix lectured me on my shortcomings as a sissy and told me to obey her rules or risk being banished. I begged for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.

Unchaining me, Mistress Phoenix ordered me to my knees and then commanded “UP!” I rose to my knees. “I see that you are learning. Spread those legs. Wider!” Mistress then bit my nipples, the feeling was amazing, a mixture of heat and intense pain sent shock waves through my body. “Do you like that, bitch? Maybe you will like this, too!” She attached nipple clamps to my tits. “How do those titties feel now, Babette? Do they hurt? Does this hurt?” She grabbed the chain connecting the clamps and pulled back, I gasped in pain and struggled to stay motionless. “Take the pain for me, show me your devotion, Babette. Only the devoted are allowed to serve me. Do you want to serve me?”

I gasped, “Yes!”

“Then, suffer!”

Mistress Phoenix took a small bucket of clothespins and moved to my clit. She attached what felt like a hundred, but was only ten pins to my clit. “If you show me your devotion, then I may reward you. My rewards are only for my best slaves and sissies. If you please me, I may allow you to worship my legs. I may even allow you to worship my ass! Would you like that?”

“Oh, yes, Mistress Phoenix, please let me worship your wonderful legs and marvelous ass! It is all I hope to achieve.” Mistress Phoenix ordered me to kiss her feet, all the while the burning pain in my tits and clit mounted. She finally forced me to stop and ordered me up.

“Close your eyes, sissy; don’t more.” She then started taking the clamps and pins off my body. It was a slow process, every time blood returned to a portion of my body the pain was intense. Sometimes she toyed with me, removing a pin from my clit and quickly reattached it to my tits. I gasped back a scream. “Suffer for me,” she teased. Finally, all of the pins were removed and Mistress Phoenix ordered me to my knees again. Without a word, she walked away. I was tempted to look over my shoulder to see what new torment she was preparing for me, however, I had learned my lesson. I existed to obey Mistress Phoenix’s rules.

She returned soon and sat on my back. “So, bitch, you have never been fucked? Well, I am going to fix that. Starting now, you are going to get very used to butt plugs. Some day, it will be dildos and maybe, the real thing. It depends on whether I choose to own you.” With that, Mistress Phoenix lubed my virgin ass and ordered me to relax. “That’s right, I know that you want me to take you, oh yes, beg me to stick my butt plug up your pussy.” Oh, did I ever beg! “That’s right, beg me, tell me know much you want a cock in your pussy!” What that, she slowly and deliberately forced the butt plug into my pussy. When I felt that I could take the pain no longer, she would stop, coax me into relaxing and excite me by making me beg all over again. I was amazed at the depths of degradation a horny male would go to please a dominant Goddess. It was almost no time at all before I was fully impaled on the plug which she had forced into me. She taunted me again, “Tell me how much you like my plug in your hole, tell me now, bitch!” I did, oh the shame that I felt, but I could not help it. As those of you who have served her know, there is no denying the wishes of Mistress Phoenix. What she wants, she gets. Resistance, as they say, is futile.

Mistress Phoenix ordered me to follow her. On my knees, I followed across the dungeon. On the command “Up!” I rose. She then applied lipstick to my lips and handed me a pair of panties. Laughing and telling me that I looked like a little sissy, she ordered me to rise to my feet and to follow her. She quickly led me to the laundry room in the rear of the studio.

“Babette, in that hamper you will find a load of dirty towels. Put them in the washing machine. When you have finished that, you will clean the bathroom. The cleaning supplies are in there. I expect the mirror, sink and toilet bowl to be spotless when I return. I am going to work on the computer; you have forty-five minutes. Get to work!”

With that, I felt to my tasks with vigor. My goal was to make Mistress Phoenix happy and I intended to do just that. The time passed quickly; before long, I heard the click of heels in the hallway. I put the cleaning supplies in the bucket and dropped to my knees. Mistress Phoenix entered.

“Kneel in the corner while I inspect this place, bitch!” I did. It only took Mistress Phoenix a couple of minutes to look things over. “Very nice work, sissy; you have potential. Let me tell you what I am going to do. You missed a spot behind the toilet. That will cost you ten strokes with the cane. Crawl ahead of me and drape yourself over the horse. When I arrive I will administer your punishment.” Mistress Phoenix laughed and continued, “If you don’t move during your beating, I will allow you to cum.

“I have several rules for my slaves. I love to see my sissies eat cum. If you want to impress me, you will beg for permission to cum and eat it. The choice is yours, however, bear in mind that I am deciding whether or not you are fit to be my sissy. Now, crawl.”

I crawled to the dungeon and my mind was spinning. I knew that Mistress Phoenix desired that I eat my own cum and so further humble myself. In a flash, I knew that I much submit to her desires, no matter how it humiliated me. Positioning myself over the horse, I awaited Mistress Phoenix. I could hear her coming down the hall. I tensed and waited for the fresh assault on my already sore ass. She entered.

“Strip down those panties, bitch, I don’t want anything between my cane and your ass! Count and scream; I could use the entertainment.” With that, she began caning me again. By the stroke of five, I was whimpering. By nine, I let out a yelp. I screamed on the tenth.

“Very good, Babette, you barely flinched. That’s the type of devotion that I want from my slaves. Off the horse and on your knees. Stroke that clit of yours! Tell me how much you want to cum, but don’t you dare do it! Not until I’ve given you permission.”

I began to play with my clit. Mistress placed a paper plate on the floor. She had written ‘sissy squirt here’ on the plate. “When I allow you to cum, you will squirt on that plate and if you want to please me, you will beg for permission to lick it up. Now, look at me, look at the beautiful Goddess who is watching you in  your lipstick, while you play with that clit. Beg, slave. Beg to cum!”

I began to beg in earnest and finally Mistress Phoenix told me to cum. She burst out laughing. “What a whore! Go ahead, whore, eat your cum.” I did, all the while feeling small and humiliated.

When I finished, Mistress returned my clothes. “Do you have my tribute, sissy?” I gave it to her.

“Well Babette, you did reasonably well. Do you feel that you have enough to write your first story?” I answered that I did. “You have a long way to go before I will even consider you as my personal sissy. I want you back here in two weeks. You will be paying for the next session! You will bring a maid’s outfit, either pink or black and white; you choose. Just make sure that it is sexy and that I have easy access to your clit and your pussy. You will be cleanly shaved when you arrive. During your next session, you will again have the opportunity to earn the privilege of kissing my ass; I suggest you work harder because you were not even close this time. And, I here’s something else to think about before your next arrival…are you worthy of a golden shower?”

Mistress Phoenix led me to the door. I foolishly asked for permission to wipe off the lipstick. “Oh no,” she said, “wear that out, sissy. It will help keep you focused on your new station in life.” With that, she patted me on the butt and pushed me out the door. My last impression was of her laughter as I was turned out into the street wearing lipstick.

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BDSM fiction – sissy’s First Visit (part 1)

As we spoke on the phone, her velvety tones were irresistable; that, my friends, sealed the deal. While I had initially been attracted by Mistress Martine Phoenix’s beautiful pictures and enticing interests, just listening to her voice put me over the edge. Dropping to my knees while still on the phone, I humbly begged to be her servant. She only laughed cruelly. “Silly boy, what can you possibly offer me?”

I told her of my five years experience in the scene, my skills as a writer and lastly, most importantly, of my desire to serve her! She paused as if in thought. “You can write? Perhaps I may have some use for you. What are your interests?” I hurriedly told her of my desire for humiliation and corporal punishment and how I wished to serve her. I told her of my experience as a houseboy and that if she but mentioned the word, I would be honored to cook and clean for her. Mistress Phoenix regarded me for a moment before answering, “I believe that I can use you. I want additional stories for my web site and you may be just the slave to provide them. However, I have no need for a houseboy.” She laughed as if struck by a sudden thought. “I can use a sissy maid, though; you DO like humiliation, don’t you? Well, here’s the deal, bitch: you come to me, pay for a session and I will begin your transformation into my sissy maid. You will write about your degradation and experiences while serving me. If you do well after the first session, I may make you my bitch. What do you say? You have thirty seconds to decide.”

The chance to be her sissy maid and write about it? Oh, the humiliation! Oh, the chance of a lifetime! I jumped at it, begging for the opportunity to be her property. Telling me to prepare myself, she ordered me to arrive at the studio no later than 6pm the following evening. She gave me directions and hung up the phone. I was trembling, scared, excited and totally elated. I prepared myself for my new life.

I found myself waiting to ring the studio buzzer at 5:55, arriving early to make sure there would be no mistake and could barely contain my excitement. The receptionist greeted me, “Mistress Phoenix will be with you shortly. Go into the dungeon, strip and call me when your clothes are folded neatly by the door. I would hurry, if I were you. Mistress Phoenix wants you naked and kneeling when she arrives.”

I followed directions and called the receptionist when I finished. She came, glanced at me and took my clothes. “These aren’t folded neatly, I assure you that Mistress Phoenix will be notified. Are you wondering what I am going to do with these? They will be shown to Mistress Phoenix in their current state. She will give them back to you if and when she decides!” With that, she walked out smirking. My humiliation had already begun.

From my lowly position, I heard the clicking of heels approaching the door. It opened. “You must be the new slave, writer and soon-to-be sissy.” I kept my eyes focused on the floor and was graced with a glance at her beautiful feet encased in her high heels. She ran her hand through my hair and slowly stroked the side of my cheek. Roughly grasping my mouth she squeezed and forced my head up. “Look at me! You won’t get the chance often, you lowly wimp. Tell me what you see!”

She was perfect, beautiful beyond words. However, I tried. “Mistress Martine Phoenix, divine Goddess! You are so wonderful, so beautiful. Your dreadlocks are perfect, your catlike eyes and full, luscious lips make me weak! And oh, Mistress, you have the body of Venus come to life. Please do what you will with me. I exist to serve you!”

Mistress Phoenix looked fantastic in her leather corset, black leather skirt and knee high leather boots; certainly the picture of a Goddess. One of her hands grasped my face, another carried a cruel cane. She slapped my face and told me to look down again. “Listen carefully, slave; I am going to lay down the rules that will govern your time with me. If you disobey my rules, you will be punished. If you forget my rules, you will be punished. From now on, your name is Babette, my French sissy.” She walked behind me. “Starting today, you no longer have a cock and balls, you have a clit.” She kicked me in my new clit. “I expect it to be shaved when you serve me. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will kneel on all fours when in my presence at all times, unless I give you different orders. When you kneel, your head and eyes will be kept down and your legs will be spread. When I say ‘up’, you will rise to your knees only. You exist to serve not only myself and my female friends, but anyone that I order you to.” She grabbed my face and allowed me to look at her again.

“Do you understand my rules?” I gasped that I did.

She moved behind me, “I understand that you failed to fold your clothes neatly. Let’s see, you have two shoes, two socks, panties, pants, a belt, a shirt and a watch. That’s nine articles of clothing and you will receive a stroke with the cane for each article. Count!” Her cane rose and fell nine times; I struggled not to scream. Next, I felt her hand softly stroke the welts she had made. “If I need to punish you for disobedience again, it will be two strokes instead of one. Now, thank me for correcting you and crawl to the table.”

Mistress Phoenix then strapped me to the bondage table face up. Walking away she cheerfully stated, “Babette, you lucky slut, I am going to give you plenty to write about today!”

To Be Continued…

La Domaine Esemar, September 17-24

Plans are in place for my extended visit to La Domaine Esemar, September 17th through the 24th (! Situated very close to points in New York and Massachusetts, it is the oldest SM training chateau in the United States. I look forward to taking full advantage of their gorgeous, well-appointed dungeon, outfitted with a decadent collection of every type of toy this Domme could want.

My main areas of interest are bondage, corporal punishment and psychological control. I welcome polite requests from novice and experienced submissives, masochists and fetishists. Please read my session information page to get a better idea of how I like to play.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Same Day Sessions in Brooklyn – May 25

I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off the start of summer…spending some time with me at my Brooklyn studios! On Friday, May 25, from 11am until 9pm, sessions are available with 3 hours notice. If you are an experienced submissive, masochist, fetishist or new fish wishing to see what this is all about, here is a chance to become acquainted with my world.

Sessions I especially enjoy include elements of bondage (rope, leather cuffs, mummification), corporal punishment (canes, crops and singletails are favorite implements), humiliation, objectification, trampling, genital torture or maybe, just the chance to worship my perfect size 10 feet.

While I will be accepting appointments with short notice, pre-booking is always appreciated. Contact me at for more information.

Mistress’s weekend – an offering from c.

This entertaining story was written as a present to me from one of my devoted pets.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did…

Well, let’s see, just thought I would remind all my retainers how nice it is to be totally pampered and catered to.

I have just returned from a weekend in the country at one of my pet’s estates.  Not only did he send a limo for me but it came stocked with some delicious food to nibble and a bottle of champagne he had selected from his own wine cellar.  When I arrived at his manse, I was greeted by a beautiful female servant and relieved of my coat and bags.  A red ball gag in her mouth, clamps on her pert nipples and the smell of hot cunt in the air…I knew she’d come in handy later on.

Immediately, I make my way to the fully equipped dungeon, my thigh high leather boots with the five inch heels crushing the rose petals my pet had strewn on the hard wood floor, that lead me to him.

Ah… There are not many sights as delightful as walking into a dungeon and finding a pet waiting for you, on his knees in the kow-tow position, offering him or herself to their Goddess.

So vulnerable, so giving, so ready to receive my abuse…and what’s this I see…? Are those some drops of pre-cum that I detect, glistening in the candlelight on the floor directly below the purple head of his stiff cock?

That’s what I like to see, and what a fitting compliment.

This makes me so hot that I waste no time. Without saying a word, I approach him and stand with the toe of one of my boots next to where his forehead is touching the floor. He pants in anticipation and I can feel moisture between my legs. He knows that I am going to have him greet me by licking my boots, but I wait.

The anticipation grows. His panting becomes heavier. His cock twitches, and finally…yes there it is…another drop of pre-cum falls from his meat and hits the floor. I rub my leather clad toe in it and tell him to lick it off.

Breathlessly, he thanks me as his tongue laps up his juice. I raise the toe of my boot off the floor, rocking back on the heel and tell him to show me how hungry he is by taking as much of the toe into his mouth as he can.

He eagerly obliges, stuffing half my foot into his mouth.

Oh What Fun!!
Oh What A Sight!!

Now the fun really begins. I order him to his feet and tell him to take his place at the wooden X, facing the wall and to secure his ankles to it.

After locking his wrists in place, I select one of my favorite, custom made canes from the arsenal. This one has soft leather wrapped around one end, so as to prevent slipping from my hand. On the business end, a small hole has been drilled and a thin strip of leather has been slipped through it and tied in a loop, creating a small leather tassel, ideal for tormenting nipples and balls.

I instruct him to stick out his ass and prepare for my first swat. I wave the cane through the air… I love to hear it whistle, and it also keeps him off guard, never knowing which one is the one that is going to connect and then…WHAM!

The cane catches both his ass cheeks and he recoils and yelps his thanks. The burn is instantaneous and almost immediately I can see the welt starting to form.

I connect again, and again, alternating between his tender thighs and his lily white ass cheeks. With each swat to his ass I can feel a pulse in my clit, and I can feel it starting to push against my damp panties as it grows more stimulated and engorged.

I remember the femme slut upstairs, and with the tip of my cane, I press the button on the intercom, summoning her.

More blows are delivered with the cane and I start to dance around, teasing his meat with the leather at the tip of the wood. My pet writhes in delirious pain induced ecstasy as I continue to raise welts on his flesh, making it appear as if he has sat on some sort of red hot, psychedelic waffle iron.

I run my fingernails over his burning skin, tracing and aggravating some of the beautiful welts I have just created.

I unshackle him and have him lie down on his back. I tell him to move his ass around on the floor, further irritating the burning lattice work that I have created.

He moans and groans…how I love those sounds…
…and what’s this?

Why here is that girlslut, just in time. Her chest covered in her own drool, and her nipples throbbing from the clamps.

Right on cue she kneels before me and assumes the kow-tow position, displaying to me the juice running out of her glistening, shaved pussy and the plug inserted in her ass.

across the small of her back, written in garish, rubyred lipstick it reads:


and across her ass cheeks,


And I thought I was having fun already…

Sexy Ebony Domina takes Toronto!

Sounds like a great news headline, right?

I’m pleased to announce my first stop on the Mistress Martine Phoenix World Domination Tour: Toronto!  All you lucky Ontario subs, fetishists and slaves will have the chance to make my acquaintance from December 21-24.

Curious about who I am?  Read the “About Me” section.  Want to know more about the type of play that interests me?  Read “Session Information”.

See you in the Great White North!

Scene from a sultry spring evening

6 of us stood on the corner of Houston and First Avenue, old friends and new on the way back from a low key SM meet and greet a few blocks downtown. The air had the feel one experiences during late August when New York’s heat hangs like a blanket over the sidewalks and parks with a rich velvet quality. It was a relief after the previous days of rain. r looked so adorable standing across from me; 5 foot nothing, curvy, juicy with the loveliest laugh and smile. Earlier at the bar, I had taken the opportunity to feel her out; locking her arms behind her head, I molded her back to my front, tickled her mercilessly and thoroughly enjoyed her squeals, giggles and (half-hearted) attempts to get away.

I couldn’t help myself, standing on that street corner, cars and people passing by. r pulled down the top of her dress a little to show everyone her pretty, lacy bra. I pounced and reached out to draw her closer by the lacing holding the front closed. My hands wandered down the front of her dress and over her breasts, while I said something unconvincing to our companions about not wanting to cause a scene. An idea struck me and I bade everyone to move closer until her face was pushed into my cleavage and she was firmly sandwiched among us all, my hands still stroking and pinching her tits. I murmured something into her hair about not quite finding what I wanted when my fingers struck gold. They clamped down on her nipples, drawing her even closer to me, eliciting a simultaneous gasp and moan from this pretty toy.

“…and what do you say, little girl?” I asked.
“thank you.” she whispered while melting into me.

I released her with a quick kiss on the top of her head and promised myself this wouldn’t be the last time…

My daily (not so) grind – or, why I love my occupations

After spending very many years in the corporate world, shuttling through the fields of law, advertising, and fashion, I am very appreciative of my current autonomy. To this day, I still don’t know how I was able to muster the enthusiasm needed to devote a huge percentage of my time contributing to someone else’s bottom line; being fulfilled in life is something that has become more and more important as I get older. There is a great deal of responsibility in being self-employed (quarterly taxes, anyone?) but I wouldn’t trade the peace of having full control of my day-to-day schedule for anything. Without a doubt, my lifestyle is not for everyone or even something 80% of the population would even understand. Regardless, the feeling of standing back and viewing a favourite toy in tight bondage, gagged, plugged and clamped in certain tender places affords me a deep sense of peace and serenity.

As well as amusement and amazement at the havoc I create.


Just thinking about how relationships move at light speed here on the “interwebs”. Seems like a great deal of energy is expended to try and get to know someone one day, then, more energy is expended ignoring them the next. Call Me old fashioned, but if I take the time to give you a virtual tap on the shoulder, it usually means that I want our interaction to go further than a flurry of emails followed by deafening silence.

As My beloved dad would say, “that’s just rude”.