Thrice Screwed Cock Ring by Sex and Metal: a review

I love CBT. My pleasure in taking control of my male subjects in such a direct and efficient manner is no secret. Although fingers, feet and teeth are always wonderful methods of torture for that particularly sensitive area, I am always looking for toys and devices to augment my imagination and expand possibilities. So, imagine my glee when I stumbled upon Sex and Metal’s website and their selection of cock rings.

As indicated by the company’s name, metal is a primary material for their devices. I just had to try out one of their lovely pieces for myself and requested “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring”:


My new favorite torture device

My previous experience with cock rings was either a single piece of metal of varying width which was worn around the base of the genitals, encircling cock and balls or many slim metal rings attached on a leather thong used to trap the penis (i.e., 9 Gates of Hell). As much as I love the idea of those, reality was always very disappointing. After the initial difficulty of getting my subject into the device, which, on occasion was a torture session in and of itself,  they always seemed to be nothing more than decoration (this is, of course, from my perspective. I’m sure a bottom wearing the items in question would have a very different idea of heavy pieces of metal hanging from their genitals than “just decoration”.) Not so with this one!

I couldn’t stop caressing the cock ring when it arrived in the mail 2 short days after I made my request. My imagination totally kicked into overdrive the moment I opened the shipping box. Its metal is smooth, no rough edges any where, beautifully joined and pleasingly heavy. As clearly shown in the picture above, in addition to the expected rings to be placed on your willing victim, my eyes especially lit up at the 3 screws strategically placed just where the penis’s corona would end up. Playtime couldn’t come soon enough!

As I found over the course of my experimentation was how easily it slipped on, a far cry from my and my sub’s usual struggles to fit an erect penis into a series of unforgiving metal rings. I was able to secure it further to the body with the use of hemp ropes, making sure shrinkage/slippage didn’t interfere with my plans, integrating it easily into my bondage. I especially loved how easily the screws held my area of interest in place. Smooth threads made for easier pressure application at very specific points; fun to manipulate.

The best part, though? Easy conductibility of electricity. Not having a violet wand at my immediate disposal, my TENS unit served a purpose. Who would have thought that conductor pads wrapped in strategic places could have such a huge effect? I look forward to more experimentation in this area.

In all, I recommend “The Thrice Screwed Cock Ring” to anyone that enjoys quality craftsmanship, versatile design and a wicked new twist on the old. It feels easy to anticipate that this CBT device and newest addition to my toybag will be getting lots of use in the near future.

Many thanks to Jolyon at Sex and Metal for letting me try this out!

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Toronto, June 22-26

It’s time for another visit! During this trip, double sessions are available with one of My favorite play partners, Master K. He is tall, fit, Scandinavian, sadistic and possesses a wicked sense of humor. With Our chemistry, forced bi and cuckolding sessions are definitely on offer.

Pre-booking is preferred and a nominal deposit required to reserve appointment time (accepted via Paypal). Visit the “Session Information” section for an idea of what activities make Me smile. Then, contact Me to begin the process.

I’m looking forward to it!

Same Day Sessions in Brooklyn – May 25

I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off the start of summer…spending some time with me at my Brooklyn studios! On Friday, May 25, from 11am until 9pm, sessions are available with 3 hours notice. If you are an experienced submissive, masochist, fetishist or new fish wishing to see what this is all about, here is a chance to become acquainted with my world.

Sessions I especially enjoy include elements of bondage (rope, leather cuffs, mummification), corporal punishment (canes, crops and singletails are favorite implements), humiliation, objectification, trampling, genital torture or maybe, just the chance to worship my perfect size 10 feet.

While I will be accepting appointments with short notice, pre-booking is always appreciated. Contact me at for more information.

Scene from a sultry spring evening

6 of us stood on the corner of Houston and First Avenue, old friends and new on the way back from a low key SM meet and greet a few blocks downtown. The air had the feel one experiences during late August when New York’s heat hangs like a blanket over the sidewalks and parks with a rich velvet quality. It was a relief after the previous days of rain. r looked so adorable standing across from me; 5 foot nothing, curvy, juicy with the loveliest laugh and smile. Earlier at the bar, I had taken the opportunity to feel her out; locking her arms behind her head, I molded her back to my front, tickled her mercilessly and thoroughly enjoyed her squeals, giggles and (half-hearted) attempts to get away.

I couldn’t help myself, standing on that street corner, cars and people passing by. r pulled down the top of her dress a little to show everyone her pretty, lacy bra. I pounced and reached out to draw her closer by the lacing holding the front closed. My hands wandered down the front of her dress and over her breasts, while I said something unconvincing to our companions about not wanting to cause a scene. An idea struck me and I bade everyone to move closer until her face was pushed into my cleavage and she was firmly sandwiched among us all, my hands still stroking and pinching her tits. I murmured something into her hair about not quite finding what I wanted when my fingers struck gold. They clamped down on her nipples, drawing her even closer to me, eliciting a simultaneous gasp and moan from this pretty toy.

“…and what do you say, little girl?” I asked.
“thank you.” she whispered while melting into me.

I released her with a quick kiss on the top of her head and promised myself this wouldn’t be the last time…


Saddle soap, leather protectant and rags for single tails and floggers in need of a little love and care. A cane or two could stand to be replaced; they’ve been loved a bit too much. Oh look, I’m in need of new clothespins! Should wood or plastic be the new choice? No rips, holes or runs glaringly evident in the ever-growing nylon collection (always on the look-out for new and exciting legwear). Maybe I should treat myself to a pair (or three) of sexy heels…

Acquiring equipment and outfits is always enjoyable. However, maintaining my acquisitions is a lovely way to spend a cool, grey Sunday afternoon.

Back in the game.

It’s been some time since I have posted in this blog or even had any substantial online presence for quite a while now. Without going into too much detail, time was necessary to begin to put my various houses back in order. Now, the itch to immerse myself in play and see clients has grown stronger, leading me to offer sessions again in the great city of Manhattan. A slow and steady prowl of fetish and BSDM catalogues is yielding a few fun toys and wicked ideas of how to use them. The first order should be arriving any day now; who’s ready to be my guinea pig?

An animated life.

I’ve always been drawn to comic books; there’s something about the mythology which is very appealing. Without exception, every superhero (or villain, for that matter) is an outsider who either

  • learns to control the innate powers they have possessed since birth or,
  • transforms through some incredibly traumatic event and uses their new-found abilities in the service of others.

Both choices accurately describe My path into the business and the lifestyle. It is a psychically powerful thing to start taking professional appointments and/or begin to introduce kink into your personal life. The opportunity to fulfill your fantasies, as well as those of any particular partner, makes the interior life becomes so strong, so outsize, comic book comparisons aren’t completely out of order. At times, My life feels like it exists in a parallel universe far removed from that of most members of My family and everyone I met before the age of 25.

I read from My previous (handwritten) journals from time to time; life on paper seems to be a great deal more integrated than the realities of My everyday existence. I feel like 2 people inhabiting the same body, constantly switching from D/s to vanilla persona during the course of a day (depending on the level of stress I occasionally contend with, the number rises to 3). I feel very close to My X-men namesake, Jean Grey/Phoenix. For everyone who isn’t familiar with her, quick rundown: ridiculously powerful telepath and all-round good girl who happens to be possessed by all-encompassing universal force with a habit of destroying worlds.

I chose My name with some accuracy.

Feeling so powerful, invincible and, on occasion, possessed when I play always makes Me wonder if people coming in contact during the course of an average day sense the alternate person not very far from My surface. Or, that it wouldn’t take long for Me to reduce surroundings to ash when confronted with a particularly vexing problem.