All trainers know that routines are important, especially when dealing with eager puppies starting to learn how to come to heel. I do recognize the necessity of having a concrete Niteflirt schedule and regular fan site updates for mindless drones to follow. I simply don’t want potential submissives to trouble their heads with impulses which will only cause them problems. Once that became clear, my next actions were determined: creating recurring times and utilizing new platforms where good potential submissives can have the opportunity to demonstrate how much they crave, need and desire to be in my service, under my thumb and implicit command.
I want you to work for my attention. This is what I came to expect in the early days of learning my dominance and I see no reason to alter that mindset now. For my success, it is necessary to have a framework which will set the proper tone for future interactions. Why should I feel guilty at using your desires against you and for my benefit?
On the contrary, the very fact that you are moved to get my attention is all the more reason to keep my standards high and strict. Social media has spoiled the lot of you. It’s so easy to get a Twitter or Instagram account and curate a kinky feed filled with beautiful Dominants from all parts of the world. It’s a frictionless contact that fools you into thinking your charm and wit will suffice as entry into my world, instead of a true and concrete demonstration of your devotion.
Latest Schedule and Fan Site Links
Starting Tuesday, June 30th, Niteflirt calling hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 1 until 6pm. Depending on how much I am pleased with the devotion shown by those who call in order to distinguish themselves, I may make myself available at other times during the week. Make sure you are following my Twitter feed ( to be notified of any last minute changes.
I have also started posting on the fan sites AVN Stars ( and Just For Fans ( Over the past few years, it has become apparent to me that the platforms we are accustomed to (e.g,, Twitter, Instagram) are definitely turning out to be more and more hostile to content produced by erotic professionals. When my Niteflirt lines are inactive, good boys would do well to subscribe to either (or both!) of my fan sites. In lieu of a real time presence, these places will allow you the opportunity to keep me front and center in your mind and fall deeper and deeper under my spell.
It is a new dawn in my existence on the worldwide interwebs. It is past time for me to create the structure to compel your willing and joyful submission. All you need to do is shut off your brain and commit my Niteflirt schedule to memory. Call my lines, click my links, spend/splurge on my content and max out your credit cards. Become addicted to my image, my voice and in the end, find yourself at peace and fulfilled, completely devoted to me, La Diosa.